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About the association


Registered at the Amtsgericht Charlottenburg: VR 31736 B since the 27.04.20212

Adress: Neckarstr. 19, 12053 Berlin

Last Status: 27.03.2013




Structure: board, members, supportive members, project associates

  • Board and members define goals and strategy of the association

  • Board implements decisions, represents the associationa and is responsible for the correct management

  • Project associates join the organisation on project base

  • Board is voted every 3 years by the members

  • General meeting: first quartal of the year


Board members: Claire Chaulet, Saba Tsereteli, Miriam Aberkane






Meet the team


Claire Chaulet

Performing and visual arts | Project coordination | Facilitation

Claire (1990), co-founder of Artistania e. V., grew up in the suburbs of Paris with a German-French couple as parents. At the age of 19, afetr she travelled half a year in west africa with a theatre project, she moved to Berlin, where she started to conceptualise the organisation Artistania with her partner Saba Tsereteli. In addition to her artistic work, Claire studied Political Science at the FU Berlin, followed by further education in the field of Cultural Management at the FH Potsdam and a Masters in Adult Education / Lifelong Learning at the HU Berlin.


Saba Tsereteli



Saba Tsereteli was born in Tbilisi, Georgia in 1985 and moved to Berlin in 2009. He is the cofounder and art director of Artistania, a multi-disciplinary and intercultural art center based in Neukölln, Berlin. He is also the cofounder of the theatre company „Theatre of Details“.

Saba Tsereteli works to document current affairs while creating a visual language that addresses complex and delicate issues in a way that is approachable and undiscriminating to the interpreter.
By creating large scale, mixed material installations, the artist gives presence to these issues with often surprising results; towing the line between the humorous and the tragic ways that these scenarios play out on the global political stage.



Martin Ducreau or Thym’Art  is a street artist from France living in Berlin, Germany.

Thym’Art sees himself as a Social Painter, by spreading his specific colors and elements around the world in order to enhance social interactions in local areas, and connect people beyond boarders.


Besides his street work, including also leading workshops, Thym’Art is co-founder of TING Space and a core member of Artistania eV. in Berlin, where he deepens his artistic expression since 2016.

Nowadays, Thym’Art also gives a second life to his paintings and the walls by projecting video mapping animations on them.


Miriam Aberkane

Miriam Aberkane moved in 2009 to Berlin, seducted by the cultural temptations of the city. Studying litterature she started also searching for the texts woven outside uni, in the middle of all the chaos - and found poem nights, writer's circles and, for sure, a lot of poetry slams. But besides these mental oasis' in the big city she also got interested in real ones - the green islands of Urban Gardening. These are projects which return nature as well as alimentary and social independence to the people - an idea which captivated her. With all these impressions, she decided to participate in Artistania: 'Getting inspired and giving something back' was her idea about it. So every time she is in Berlin, she is supporting all kinds of projects of the association and working on a litterature concept for Artistania.

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Fiona Kelly

She studied English and German Linguistics and Literature, with a Master thesis on Rythme in Theatre at the University of Antwerp (Be).


The musicality of Language and the language of Music has been one of the basic themes in her academic work. She started exploring the theam of rythme through many travels and formations in performative arts.


Her works vary from social-cultural projects to solo improvisation performances on stage or intervening in the public area.


Patricia Morosan

Patricia Morosan born in Roumania in 1985, studied Film and Art History in Bukarest and Berlin and Photography at the Ostkreuzschule in Berlin. She is a member of the international photo collectiv ” Temps Zero” and also a member of the artist organization “Artistania”. Her photos have been shown in many european festivals and museums such as  "Les Rencontres de la photographie d’Arles" (voies off) in Fotohaus Paris Berlin, at the Museum of Contemporary Arts Bucharest, JK Berlin etc.

In November 2017 her first photobook published by Dienacht was presented at Paris Photo – Polycopies and Grand Palais.

She won in 2019  the  “New European Photography Award “

and was nominated for the Art Prize Haus am Kleistpark 2019 and for the Documentary Award Wüsternrot Foundation 2020. 

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