
For several years our goal has been to build as few rooms and studios as possible in order to keep the "exhibition area" (700 m²) available for various purposes. Unfortunately, we can no longer keep this goal under the current restrictions if we want to save the studio. Therefore, we are forced to build new rehearsal rooms that will guarantee a reliable rental income. For this new leap we need investments and therefore we depend on financial support.
The following measures are planned:
1) Construction of the studios (walls, electricity, etc.)
2) Compliance or extension of the fire protection plan
3) ventilation
4) Sound insulation
5) Additional sanitary facilities.

The conversion of the stage space into rehearsal rooms for larger groups (max. 20 people if the 1.5 m distance is adhered to) has demonstrated its attractiveness: be it the Neukölln Opera, the Ballhaus Naunynstraße or the Neukölln Adult Education Center: many institutions do not have enough space to to keep the distances and to carry out your offer and ask us about space options. In order to be able to welcome a variety of groups under the current restrictions, we still have to adapt our stage space.
1) Heating: New windows are currently being built, but the new increased ventilation means we have to add a new heating system for the winter time that can quickly heat the rooms.
2) Light: the lighting is currently intended for small art events (spotlights, etc.) and must now also be adapted for German courses, painting courses, etc.
Artistania want to offer guided tours for around 20 people 8 times a month, in which the works of art in the exhibition area can be presented. We also need investments here.
1) Ventilation: the exhibition area should be better ventilated for these events and new windows should be built.
2) Paths: we want to organize “one-way streets” for the tours so that the risk of infection is minimized. To do this, we have to reorganize the emergency lights and signage.
The construction measures are funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media